It's Fred and Ed! Ed Plummer
of "American Hunting Rifles" got a gopher "double"
with his very first shot from a custom 19 Calhoon. Ed was impressed
with the way the 19 Calhoon performed (no he didn' t buy the
company!). Ed sees the 19 Calhoon as a natural for a custom varmint
rifle in the CZ 527. |
Dean Riley's favorite rifle, his 19-223
Calhoon.  |
Maurice Jamieson of Culppepper, VA says
that his 18" barreled 19-223 custom XP has no problems shooting
very small groups! |
Willy, Bobby, and recently departed Lenny the Lynx, in Williams Lake, British Columbia. |
Ok Stains, we won't do it again! |
Don Kenny of Havre, MT is holding his prize custom 19 Badger rifle. Don is a WWII veteran of the
Pacific theater. Thank you Don, and all the rest of you guys! |
Mercer Lawing of Barstow, CA is a paid up member of PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals).
19 caliber rifles and the California desert make for good bobcatting! |